Monday, February 23, 2009

Critical Thinking - GOOD STUFF

Recently my students were asked to do some activities regarding critical thinking. After using their critical thinking skills they had a short writing piece to complete. Assignment: Why is critical thinking important in our everyday lives? Use examples. How do we use critical thinking in Connections class? Here are a few of the best responses I received.

By Megan H.

Yes, critical thinking is important because otherwise everyone would either be mindless sheep believing whatever we're told or we'd be conceited know-it-alls who always argue that we're right regardless if we knoew the answers or not. Either way it would be very bad. If we were all mindless sheep we would all be broke because we'd believe all the ads/commercials and spend our money buying these items and we'd have low self esteem because we would think something was wrong with us becausew e didn't look like the models the advirtisers said we were supposed to look like. If we always said/thought/argued that we are right then we would have no friends, be extremely lonely, and become depressed. We'd also be broke because we would always be fired for fighting with our boss or clients. So either way we end up broke and sad, not a very inviting prospect!

I think we use critical thinking in connections class by questioning authority and learning to think and figure things out for ourselves. If we question authority , especially when they are telling us something or feeding us information that is unrealistice and silly, we are thinking critically. When we solve a problem oursels and find the anser for ourselves we have to have open minds so then we are thinking critically.

I think it is very important to learn how to think critically because that can help us to have more peace and individuality in our world!

Great thinking Megan! - Mrs. Kopp

Another great one!

By Jarryd B.

Critical thinking is important in our everyday lives so that we can create new ideas and learn more about old ideas. For example, in many school classes like American History, we have many debates througout the year. Critical thinking will help us learn, understa, and use the facts we read in these debates. Also when having a conversation or arguement with someone else we will know when to argue and what to argue about.

In connections class during short writing assignments, projects, and note taking we must know what to write and after we are asked about at topic we must be prepared to explain how we feel, why we feel that way, and facts to prove we are right.

Well done Jarryd - I love how you used examples from another class! Mrs. Kopp

These were done in class with no preparation time - these students were thinking on their feet! Well done!

1 comment:

  1. This is a comment from Mr. Higgins - Thanks

    Mrs. Kopp,

    The idea of "on-the-spot" writing as a common practice is wonderful, especially in the sense that the students recognize its value. As Jarryd points out above "we must know what to write and after we are asked about at topic we must be prepared to explain how we feel, why we feel that way, and facts to prove we are right."

    That right there is good enough reason to continue to practice the skill in class. Great job everyone!
